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角膜營養不良是一組多種雙側遺傳非炎症性疾病。該疾病在臨床上被分為三組,即淺層角膜營養不良、角膜基質營養不良和角膜後層營養不良。這三組疾病被進一步分類。斑點狀角膜營養不良 (MCD) 是角膜基質營養不良的一個亞類。碳水化合物(N-乙酰葡萄糖胺 6-O)磺基轉移酶 6(CHST6))基因中的突變通常導致 MCD的形成 。但是,CHST6 編碼區突變、上遊區的刪除/替換或剪接位點突變導致剪接信號丟失並不能解釋全部 MCD 病例。
視網膜色素變性(RP) 可導致多種疾病。有些患者在兒童期間出現視力喪失症狀,有些患者直到中年才出現症狀。大多數患者都會出現經典症狀,例如在老年時難以適應黑暗和夜盲症(夜盲症),以及青春期初期視力喪失。隨著疾病的進展,患者會失去遠處的周邊視覺,出現視野狹窄,最後失去中央視覺,這通常發生在 60 歲左右。其他類型的RP疾病中,会出現類似的視桿細胞和視錐細胞光感受器減少。有時,視錐細胞光感受器的減少要多於視桿細胞光感受器的減少,這被稱為錐桿細胞變性。這是RP的一種形式,主要的初始症狀是視力喪失和色覺缺陷。
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Corneal dystrophies are diverse bilateral genetic and non-inflammatory diseases limited to the cornea. Clinically, it is categorized into three groups; superficial corneal dystrophy, corneal stromal dystrophy, and posterior corneal dystrophy which are further subcategorized into other classes. Macular corneal dystrophy (MCD) is a subcategory of corneal stromal dystrophies. Mutation in carbohydrate (N-acetylglucosamine6-O) sulfotransferase 6 (CHST6) gene is usually responsible for MCD. However, all MCD cases can be explained by mutations in CHST6 coding region, deletion or replacement in the upstream region, or mutations in splice sites resulting in loss of splicing signal.
RP is a disease with a variety of disorders. Some patients show symptoms of vision loss during childhood while some others live without any symptoms. Most cases present classical symptoms of difficulties with adapting to darkness and night blindness (niatalopia) in oldage and loss of vision in early adolescence. Following the disease progression, they lose their distant peripheral vision, tunnel vision, and finally central vision which usually occurs at the age of sixty. The reduction of ROD and CONE is similar in other types. Sometimes the decrease in CONE is greater than that in ROD which is then called cone-rod degeneration, a form of RP in which the loss of vision and defects in color vision are the predominant initial symptoms.
Cornealdystrophies are a group of 1diverse bilateral geneticand non-inflammatory diseases limited to the cornea. 2. Clinically,it is categorized into three groups; , superficialcorneal dystrophy, corneal stromal dystrophy, and posterior corneal dystrophy,which are further subcategorized into other classes.3.Macular corneal dystrophy (MCD) is a subcategory of corneal stromal dystrophies.dystrophy.Mutation in carbohydrate (N-acetylglucosamine6-4acetylglucosamine6-O) sulfotransferase 6 (CHST6) gene is usually responsible for MCD. However, all MCD cases can5cannot be explainedby mutations in the CHST6 coding region, deletion or /replacementin the upstream region, or mutations in splice sites resulting in loss of splicingsignalloss.
RP is adisease witha variety ofthat causes various disorders. Somepatients show symptoms of loss of vision loss duringchildhoodwhile some, whereas others live withoutdo not showany symptoms. until middle age.6Most casespatientspresent classicalwith classicsymptomsof difficulties with, such as difficulty in adapting to darkness and night blindness (niatalopia7 nyctalopia) in oldage andold age as wellas loss of vision in early adolescence. Following theWithdisease progression, they lose their distant peripheral vision, develop 8tunnel vision, and finally lose their central vision,which usually occurs at the agearound 60 years of sixty.age.The reduction of RODin rod and CONE cone issimilar in other types. Sometimes, the decrease in CONEconesis greater than that in RODrods, which is thencalled cone-rodconeroddegeneration, a form of RP in which the loss of vision and defects in colorvision are the predominant initial symptoms.
Cornealdystrophies are a group of 1diverse bilateral geneticand non-inflammatory diseases limited to the cornea. 2. Clinically,itthese diseases isare categorized into three groups; , namely superficial corneal dystrophy, cornealstromal dystrophy, and posterior corneal dystrophy, which these groups 4are further subcategorized into other classes.3. OneMacular cornealdystrophy (MCD) is a subcategory ofcorneal stromal dystrophies.dystrophy is macular corneal dystrophy (MCD),. which is characterizedby bilateral cloudy regions within a hazy stroma, eventually leading to severe visual impairment5. Mutation in the carbohydrate (N-acetylglucosamine6-acetylglucosamine6-6O) sulfotransferase 6 (CHST6) gene is typicallyusuallyresponsible for MCD. However, it is also caused byother factors, and all MCD cases of MCD cancannot7be explained by mutations in the CHST6 coding region, deletion or /replacementin the upstream region, or mutations in splice sites resultingthat result inloss of splicingsignalloss.
Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a disease with a variety ofthat causes various disorders. Some patients show symptoms of loss of visionloss duringchildhoodwhile some, whereas others live withoutdo not showany symptoms. until middle age.8Most casespatientspresent classicalwith classicsymptomsof difficulties with, such asnight blindness (nyctalopia) and9 difficulty in adaptingto darkness and night blindness (niatalopia nyctalopia)in oldage andold age as well asand10 loss of vision in early adolescence. Following theWith advanced disease progression, theypatientslose their distant peripheral vision, develop 11tunnel vision, and finally lose their central vision,which usually occurs at the agearound 60 years of sixty.12age.The reduction of RODin rod and CONE cone photoreceptors is similar amongin othertypes. of RP disorders.14 Sometimes,the decrease in CONEcones13 is greaterthan that in RODrods,which is then called cone-rodcone-rod15degeneration, a form of RP in which the lossof vision and defects in color vision are the predominant initial symptoms.
Corneal dystrophies are a group of diverse bilateral genetic and non-inflammatory diseases. Clinically, these diseases are categorized into three groups, namely superficial corneal dystrophy, corneal stromal dystrophy, and posterior corneal dystrophy; these groups are further subcategorized. One subcategory of corneal stromal dystrophy is macular corneal dystrophy (MCD), which is characterized by bilateral cloudy regions within a hazy stroma, eventually leading to severe visual impairment. Mutation in the carbohydrate (N-acetylglucosamine 6-O) sulfotransferase 6 (CHST6) gene is typically responsible for MCD. However, it is also caused by other factors, and all cases of MCD cannot be explained by mutations in the CHST6 coding region, deletion/replacement in the upstream region, or mutations in splice sites that result in splicing signal loss.
Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a disease that causes various disorders. Some patients show symptoms of loss of vision during childhood, whereas others do not show any symptoms until middle age. Most patients present with classic symptoms such as night blindness (nyctalopia) and difficulty in adapting to darkness in old age and loss of vision in early adolescence. With advanced disease progression, patients lose their distant peripheral vision, develop tunnel vision, and finally lose their central vision, which usually occurs around 60 years of age. The reduction in rod and cone photoreceptors is similar among other types of RP disorders. Sometimes, the decrease in cones is greater than that in rods, which is called cone–rod degeneration, a form of RP in which loss of vision and defects in color vision are the predominant initial symptoms.
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相同意思的詞或短語重複會妨礙句子的可讀性。在這裡,"subcategorized "一詞就足以表達所要表達的意思。
該技術術語的格式不正確。應該是 "N-acetylglucosamine-6-O-sulfotransferase"。