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骨髓炎是一種日益普遍的疾病,往往會對臨床醫師帶來診斷上的挑戰。準確及時的診斷對於預防可能導致死亡或肢體喪失的併發症至關重要。除了病史、理學檢查和實驗室檢驗之外,診斷成像在診斷過程中也至關重要。這篇敘述性文獻綜述討論了用於診斷骨髓炎的各種影像模式,包括平面X光攝影、電腦斷層掃描(CT)、磁共振成像(MRI)、超音波掃描、骨閃爍攝影和正電子放射斷層掃描(PET)。文章是從 PubMed 取得的,並進行篩選,以便與「骨髓炎診斷成像」這個主題相關。 作者的結論是,平面X光攝影是很恰當的第一步,因為這些影像可能會顯示骨溶解變化,並有助於排除其他疾病。MRI 通常是最恰當的第二步,因為它具有高度敏感性,可以在感染後幾天內顯示骨髓變化。其他影像模式如 CT、超音波掃描和骨閃爍攝影,對於無法接受 MRI 的患者來說可能很有用。CT 對於識別慢性感染的骨壞死是非常有用的。超音波掃描可能對患有鐮形血球貧血症的兒童或個體有用。骨閃爍攝影對於檢測脊椎骨髓炎尤其有用。最後,PET 已經展示出高敏感性和特異性;然而,其臨床應用受到成本高和可用性差的限制。在適當使用時,診斷成像可能對於檢測骨髓炎具有高度敏感性及特異性,使其成為這種衰弱性疾病診斷過程中的關鍵步驟。
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Osteomyelitis is an increasingly common pathology that often poses a diagnostic challenge to clinicians. Accurate and timely diagnosis is critical to prevent complications that can result in the loss of life or limb. In addition to history, physical exam, and laboratory studies, diagnostic imaging plays an essential role in the diagnostic process. This narrative review article discusses various imaging modalities employed to diagnose , namely plain films, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound, bone scintigraphy, and positron emission tomography (PET). Articles were obtained from PubMed and screened for relevance to the topic of diagnostic imaging for osteomyelitis. The authors conclude that plain films are an appropriate first step as they may reveal osteolytic changes and can help rule out alternative pathology. MRI is often the most appropriate second study, as it is highly sensitive and can detect bone marrow changes within days of an infection. Other studies such as CT, ultrasound, and bone scintigraphy may be useful in patients who cannot undergo MRI. CT is useful for identifying necrotic bones in chronic infections. Ultrasound may be useful in children or with sickle-cell disease. Bone scintigraphy is particularly useful for vertebral osteomyelitis. Finally, PET has demonstrated high sensitivity and specificity; however, its clinical application is limited by its high cost and poor availability. When used appropriately, diagnostic imaging can provide high sensitivity and specificity for detecting osteomyelitis, making radiographic evaluation a crucial step in the diagnostic process of this debilitating condition.
is an increasingly common pathology condition that often poses a diagnostic challenge
to clinicians. Accurate and timely diagnosis is critical to prevent
complications that can result in the loss of life or limb. In addition to
history, physical examexamination, and laboratory studies, diagnostic
imaging plays an essential role in the diagnostic process. This narrative
review article discusses various imaging modalities employed to diagnose osteomyelitis1:, namely plain filmsradiography, computed tomography (CT), magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasoundultrasonography2, bone scintigraphy, and positron
emission tomography (PET). Articles were obtained from PubMed and screened for
relevance to the topic of diagnostic imaging for osteomyelitis. The authors concludeconcluded3
that plain films are radiography is an appropriate first step as they because the
images4 may reveal osteolytic changes and can help rule out
alternative pathologydisease. MRI is often the most appropriate second study, asstep because it is highly sensitive and can detectreveal5
bone marrow changes within days of an infection. Other studiesimaging
modalities6 such as CT, ultrasoundultrasonography, and bone scintigraphy may be
useful in patients who cannot undergo MRI. CT is useful for identifying
necrotic bones in chronic infections. UltrasoundUltrasonography may be useful in children or with
sickle-cell disease. Bone scintigraphy is particularly useful for detecting7 vertebral osteomyelitis. Finally, PET
has demonstrated high sensitivity and specificity; however, its clinical
application is limited by its high cost and poor availability. When used
appropriately, diagnostic imaging can providebe highly
and specificity for detecting osteomyelitis, making radiographic evaluation a
crucial step in the diagnostic process of this debilitating condition.
is an increasingly common pathology condition that often
posespossesses1 a diagnostic
challenge to the clinicians. Accurate
and timely diagnosis is critical to preventcrucial for preventing2 complications that can
result in the loss of life or limb. In addition to history, physical examexamination,
and laboratory studies, diagnostic imaging plays anis3 essential role in
the diagnostic process. This4In this narrative review article discusses,
various imaging modalities employed to diagnose osteomyelitis5:,
namely are described; these include plain filmsradiography, computed tomography (CT), magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasoundultrasonography6, bone scintigraphy, and positron
emission tomography (PET). Articles were obtained
from identified through7 PubMed
and screened for relevance to the topic of diagnostic imaging for
osteomyelitis. The authors concludeconcluded8 that plain films
are radiography is an
appropriate first step as they because the images9 may reveal osteolytic changes
and can help rule out alternative pathologydisease. MRI is often the most appropriate second study, asstep because it is highly sensitive and can detectreveal10
bone marrow changes within days of an infection. Other studiesimaging
modalities11 such as CT, ultrasoundultrasonography, and bone scintigraphy may be
useful infor
patients in who MRI cannot undergo
MRIbe performed. CT is useful
for identifying necrotic bones in chronic infections. UltrasoundUltrasonography
may be useful in children or individuals
with sickle-cell disease. Bone scintigraphy is particularly useful forin12 detecting13 vertebral osteomyelitis. Finally, PET
has demonstrated high sensitivity and specificity; however, as it is expensive and often unavailable its
clinical application is limited by its high cost and
poor availability. When used appropriately, diagnostic imaging can providebe highly
sensitiveity and specificity for detecting osteomyelitis, making radiographic
evaluation has high sensitivity and specificity for
detecting osteomyelitis; thus, it is a crucial step in the diagnostic process ofdiagnosing this debilitating condition.
Osteomyelitis is an increasingly common condition that possesses a diagnostic challenge to the clinicians. Accurate and timely diagnosis is crucial for preventing complications that can result in the loss of life or limb. In addition to history, physical examination, and laboratory studies, diagnostic imaging is essential in the diagnostic process. In this narrative review article, various imaging modalities to diagnose osteomyelitis are described; these includeplain radiography, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasonography, bone scintigraphy, and positron emission tomography (PET). Articles were identified through PubMed and screened for relevance to the topic of diagnostic imaging for osteomyelitis. The authors concluded that plain radiography is an appropriate first step because the images may reveal osteolytic changes and can help rule out alternative disease. MRI is often the most appropriate second step because it is highly sensitive and can reveal bone marrow changes within days of an infection. Other imaging modalities such as CT, ultrasonography, and bone scintigraphy may be useful for patients in who MRI cannot be performed. CT is useful for identifying necrotic bone in chronic infections. Ultrasonography may be useful in children or individuals with sickle-cell disease. Bone scintigraphy is particularly useful in detecting vertebral osteomyelitis. Finally, PET has demonstrated high sensitivity and specificity; however, as it is expensive and often unavailable its clinical application is limited. When used appropriately, radiographic evaluation has high sensitivity and specificity for detecting osteomyelitis; thus, it is a crucial step in diagnosing this debilitating condition.
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