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Although positive effects are achieved by continuously performing preventive care and other health activities, performing the same activities every day can be mental strain. Therefore, research has been performed on maintaining the motivation and encouraging them to use exercise systems by incorporating games where the users perform activities. On the other hand, the Kinect system developed by Microsoft is able to recognize people’s postures and the three-dimensional coordinates of their joints, and work has been done to research and develop systems that use a Kinect to measure hand and foot movements for rehabilitation purposes. Since the Kinect can detect real-world human postures, it can also be used to recognize antagonistic exercises. Recently, several Kinect-based commercial rehabilitation systems have been developed. Formerly, we designed and developed a prototype lower-limb chair exercise support system using a depth image sensor and evaluated the performance and usability. The system recognizes and evaluates exercises based on 3D position data and joint angles for skeleton and RGB data obtained from the Kinect sensor. In this study, we designed, implemented and evaluated a system that supports antagonistic exercise using a depth sensor. It recognizes exercises by using skeleton data about the user’s joints acquired from a depth sensor, and evaluates the user’s exercises to provide real-time feedback. This system uses an audiovisual display to explain the exercise procedures to the user, and displays user’s real time video to encourage the user to perform the exercises. It also has a rhythm game function whereby the user can exercise in time with music. This system is provided with four types of exercise: upper/lower limb antagonistic movement, upper limb left/right antagonistic movement, rock/paper/scissors using both arms and both legs, and duple/triple time exercises.
positive effects are achieved by continuously performing preventive care and
other health1 activitiescare activities, performing the same activities
every day can because a mental
strain. Therefore, research has been 2performedconducted on maintaining the motivation and
encouraging them to use exercise systems by incorporating games where the users
perform 3voluntary activities. On the other hand, tThe
Kinect system developed by Microsoft is able to recognize people’s posturesaperson’s posture and the three-dimensional coordinates of their
joints, and work has been done to 4research
and developdevelopment
of systems that use a Kinect to measure hand and foot movements for
rehabilitation purposes has been conducted.5 Since the Kinect can detect real-world human postures, it can also be used to
recognize antagonistic exercises. Recently, several Kinect-based commercial
rehabilitation systems have been developed. Formerly, we designed and developed
a prototype lower-limb chair exercise support system using a depth image sensor
and evaluated the performance and usability. The system recognizes and
evaluates exercises based on 3D position data and joint angles for skeleton and
RGB data obtained from the Kinect sensor. In this study, we designed, implemented and evaluated a system
that supports antagonistic exercise using a depth sensor. It The system
recognizes exercises by using skeleton data about the user’s joints acquired
from a depth sensor, and evaluates the user’s exercises to provide real-time
feedback. This system uses an audiovisual display to explain the exercise
procedures to the user, and displays user’splays
their6 real time video to encourage the user to perform the
exercises. It also has a rhythm game function whereby the user can exercise in
time with music. This system incudes is provided with four types of exercise:
upper/lower limb antagonistic movement, upper limb left/right antagonistic
movement, rock/paper/scissors using both arms and both legs, and duple/triple
time exercises.
Although positive effects are achieved by continuouslyContinuously performing preventive care and other
health 1activitiescare activities,
can have a positive impact; however performing
the same activities every daydaily can becausealso result
in a mental strain.
Therefore, research hashave been 2performedconducted on maintaining
the motivationways to consistently
motivate and encouragingencourage3 them to use exercise systems by
incorporating games wherein which the users can
perform4 voluntary activities. On the other hand, tThe
Kinect system developed by Microsoft is able tocan recognize people’s
posturesa person’s posture and
the three-dimensional coordinates of their joints,. and work has been done to 5rResearch and developdevelopment of systems that use a Kinect to measure hand and foot movements for rehabilitationfor
rehabilitative purposes has6have been conducted7. Since
the Kinect can detect real-world human postures,; therefore
it can also be used to recognize antagonistic exercises. Recently, sSeveral
Kinect-based commercial rehabilitation systems have recently
been developed. FormerlyPreviously, we designed and developed a prototype
lower-limb chair exercise support system
uses a depth image 8sensor and
evaluated theits
performance and usability. The system recognizes and evaluates exercises based
on 3D position data and joint angles for skeleton and
red-green-blue (RGB)9 data
obtained from the Kinect sensor. In this studythe present study,
we designed, implemented,10 and evaluated a system that supports antagonistic exerciseexercises
using a depth sensor. It The system recognizes exercises by using skeleton
data about11on
the user’s joints acquired from a depth sensor,12 and evaluates the user’s
exercises to provide real-time feedback. This
systemIn addition, it uses an
audiovisual display to explain the exercise procedures to the user, and displays user’splays their 13real-time
video to encourage the userusers to perform the
exercisesexercise. It also
has a rhythm game function whereby the user can exercise in timesync
with music. This system incudes is provided
with fourFour types of exerciseexercises are
included with this system: upper/lower limb antagonistic movement,
upper limb left/right antagonistic movement, rock/paper/scissors using both
arms and both legs, and duple/triple time exercises.
Continuously performing preventive care and other health care activities can have a positive impact; however performing the same activities daily can also result in mental strain. Therefore, research have been conducted on ways to consistently motivate users and encourage them to use exercise systems by incorporating games in which the users can perform voluntary activities. The Kinect system developed by Microsoft can recognize a person’s posture and the three-dimensional coordinates of their joints. Research and development of systems that use Kinect to measure hand and foot movements for rehabilitative purposes have been conducted. Kinect can detect real-world human postures therefore; it can also be used to recognize antagonistic exercises. Several Kinect-based commercial rehabilitation systems have recently been developed. Previously, we designed and developed a prototype lower-limb chair exercise support system that uses a depth sensor and evaluated its performance and usability. The system recognizes and evaluates exercises based on 3D position data and joint angles for skeletal and red-green-blue (RGB) data obtained from the Kinect sensor. In the present study, we designed, implemented, and evaluated a system that supports antagonistic exercises using a depth sensor. The system recognizes exercises by using skeletal data on the user’s joints acquired from a depth sensor, and evaluates the user’s exercises to provide real-time feedback. In addition, it uses an audiovisual display to explain the exercise procedures to the user and plays their real-time video to encourage users to exercise. It also has a rhythm game function whereby the user can exercise in-sync with music. Four types of exercises are included with this system: upper/lower limb antagonistic movement, upper limb left/right antagonistic movement, rock/paper/scissors using both arms and both legs, and duple/triple time exercises.
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